ISO 9001:2015 Certificate

The Management of ALBERMEC considers the Quality of its products and the satisfaction of its customers to be the primary objectives of its activities, as well as the foundation of the organization’s commercial success.

With this in mind, the Management has developed the conviction that establishing, maintaining and documenting a Quality Management System in compliance with the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 standard is fundamental and represents for the Company a moral responsibility even more than a legal one towards its Customers, its workers and towards the community.

ALBERMEC, well aware that the Quality of the services offered directly influences the company’s position on the market, places the following aims at the basis of its company policy:

  • Produce products that fully meet the needs, requirements and preferences of its customers, in compliance with applicable laws and regulations;
  • Identify and continuously monitor Customers’ needs and expectations;
  • Ensure full availability and flexibility to the Customer, thus providing a comprehensive service;
  • Monitor its internal processes to ensure their continuous effectiveness and efficiency;
  • Minimize and continuously monitor the causes of Non-Compliance;
  • Seek constant collaboration with suppliers;
  • Guaranteeing its personnel the possibility of working in a safe environment that complies with the relevant regulations;
  • Guaranteeing its personnel the possibility of increasing their skills and growing in professionalism;
  • Assess customer satisfaction in order to improve the service offered;
  • Involve all personnel in order to pursue the objective of maintaining and continuously improving the Quality Management System.

All ALBERMEC personnel participate in achieving the set objectives, each for the activities for which he or she is responsible and in the awareness of his or her role and importance within the organisation. The Management System requires everyone to be trained to carry out their tasks correctly and requires the full participation of everyone.

The Management takes it upon itself to carry out, at least once a year, a Review of the Management System in order to assess its adequacy, suitability and effectiveness. During this review, improvement targets will be identified, checked and, if necessary, revised, and it will then be the task of the Management and the individual Functional Managers to involve the staff in achieving them.

Cornedo, 29/03/2023

The Management